Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

Everyone can succeed and be happy with the right encouragement, inspiration, and motivation!

Find Serenity and Joy With Strong Household Traditions

household traditions

With just a little effort, you can create household traditions that will make life easier and happier for your family. A happy family leads to a happy life.

Household traditions don’t have to be big to make great and lasting memories for your family.

Participating in household traditions is a way for families to bond, create wonderful memories and have things to look forward to doing again and again. All too often, parents think that they must make grand gestures in order to create happy memories and lasting household traditions. This could not be further from the truth. Often what impresses our children and creates lasting memories for our children are things that cost little money. At the same time, there is nothing wrong with having family traditions that cost a lot of money and are extravagant in nature. The best household traditions are custom-made for each family. By way of example, I will share a few household traditions that my family and I enjoy. Check out this list and see what you think of them:

  • ice cream at Wendy’s after ballet recitals
  • Saturday YouTube day
  • Cheese and meat platters for New Years Day
  • Compliment Day

Ice Cream at Wendy’s After Ballet Recitals

This tradition started four years ago after my twins’ first ballet recital. On the way home from the Academy of Music, the theater where the recital was held, we passed a Wendy’s restaurant. The twins were hot and hungry and asked for ice cream cones. We ordered our cones and traveled to the train station to ride home. The cones were a nice, sweet treat. After that, the girls wanted ice cream after the recital each year. It became a fun household tradition that everyone enjoyed.

Click here to read about the fun of family game night.

Saturday YouTube Day

One of loudest household traditions involves the internet. More than ten years ago my husband started watching music videos on YouTube each Saturday afternoon. Over time, our family developed a habit of joining him to watch videos on his big screen computers. Normally, Darren starts with old videos from his teenage days long ago. As the day progresses the videos get more modern. It is such a fun way to spend an afternoon. The family watches videos, sings, dances and laughs.

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Cheese and Meat Platters for New Year’s Day

This is another of our household traditions that happened by accident. While looking through catalogs one cold winter day we found a variety of cheese and meat platters. We ordered a nice selection of the trays. That New Year’s Day we were feeling lazy and didn’t feel like cooking dinner. So, at the children’s request, we pulled out the cheese and meat trays and had a fun time munching on the treats, watching movies and enjoying each other’s company. After we did it the first year, we continued the tradition for the next five years.

Continued on page 2. Click 2 below to continue.

12 thoughts on “Find Serenity and Joy With Strong Household Traditions”
  1. All of these traditions are really adorable, it’s great that you and your family have these things that you always do together on a scheduled basis. Traditions are also great because they carry on from generation, so who knows, maybe your daughters will one day take their daughters out for ice cream after ever recital!

  2. You are so right. The traditions don’t have to be big and elaborate. They just need to be something the family enjoys doing and allow us to spend time together!

  3. We might have to start a new You Tube video tradition. I will have to try this on the weekend. My kids are going to love it.

  4. My kids would love a You Tube night. We love all the funny animal videos. We always have a big dinner on Sunday nights.

  5. We have a family game night every Saturday night. The kids get to pick the game and we always have fun. Traditions are a great way for family’s to bond.

  6. We have a few traditions we love. Every Sunday the kids help me make a big breakfast. We have been doing this for years and the kids love it.

  7. Family traditions are my favorite. We have family movie nights on Friday, doughnuts after vaccinations, and dance parties before bed. Some of my favorite memories!

  8. I think traditions are a great thing. My girls have been watching YouTube more lately. They have found some videos they really like.

  9. It is a lot of fun and something we look forward to. We do music videos so there is an excuse to sing, dance and be happy. It is FUN. Pick the kind of videos your family likes and let everyone have a chance picking out videos. You are sure to find new ones everyone loves!

  10. My kids love watching YouTube videos but I’ve never thought to make a family tradition out of it. Great idea! We could bond over shared laughs from funny videos 🙂

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