Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

Empowering scholars to succeed and thrive through encouragement, inspiration, and motivation.

Developing Healthy Reading Habits for Entrepreneurs

read for professional development

Entrepreneurs who develop healthy reading habits put themselves in a position to be more successful.

Recently, I was speaking with my friend Michelle Garret of Divas with a Purpose and she told me about an idea called “Miracle Mornings.” It is a philosophy and an idea for how to start each morning in order to have better days. To sum things up, in order to have a Miracle Morning you start each day with time devoted to:

Silence aka Meditation
Scribing aka Journaling

This concept appealed to me for several reasons. One of them was the idea of making reading part of each day. As a writer and lover of words, reading is a huge part of my life. With the Miracle Morning idea, the reading each day means that an entrepreneur should read things each day that help her do better in business. Professional development is an important part of growth, maintaining the necessary skills to succeed in business.

To help me be better in business I have made a list of some of the books I want to read over the next month. If you are interested in one or more, click the link to make a purchase directly from Amazon using my affiliate link.

Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World by Michael Hyatt

Cutting the Passive Voice by Diane Butts

Launch by Jeff Walker

Do you plan to do any reading for professional development over the course of the next month? If no, why not? If yes, what books have made your list?