Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

Empowering scholars to succeed and thrive through encouragement, inspiration, and motivation.

Take Action Now

Take Action Now
When you take action now, you start working toward achieving the goals you have set for yourself, you move in a coordinated and specific way towards completion. One way to ensure that you are always in a position to take action now, to keep moving, is to always be on the lookout for the next step you need to take.
It is important to always have a plan of action. The old saying, “if you fail to plan, you plan to fail,” got to be an old saying for a simple reason. That reason is that it is true. While we need to take action now, it is crucial that you act with a plan.
If you are moving from A to B, you should act purposely and with your path in mind. Part of that planning is the recognition that after you get from A to B there is still a C and D and some unknown next place that you must visit. It is important to recognize in your planning that you cannot plan for everything at the same time.
Some plans cannot be made until after other plans are completed. That means that while you take action now, you must be on the lookout to see what is the next step in your journey, what will be needed for the journey to continue. This is why when you take action now, you must be looking out for what your next step should be.
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This Year Try Something New, Bold, and Audacious in Your Business

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What Inspires You to Take Action Now and Win

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