It is important to realize that the better you are, the better your business will be and to act accordingly.
This article is the beginning of a special Janeane’s World series we are calling this series – Better You – Better Business. The articles in this series will share ideas on how to be a better woman and a better entrepreneur. Each day I speak with women entrepreneurs from all across the United States. It amazes me how much these women have in common – both good and bad. Overwhelmingly, many of these smart, talented, often have problems accepting just how great, talented and special they actually are. Thus the idea for the series Better You- Better Business was born.
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How a better you is connected to a better business.
A business can only be as successful as the entrepreneur at its head. When a woman is confident, self-assured and knows her place in the universe she is in a position to succeed. I have read dozens upon dozens of articles about problems that women entrepreneurs have in business. Overwhelmingly, those articles were negative and offered little hope for change or improvement. That didn’t work for me. After all, I believe that every working woman can succeed and be happy with the right encouragement, inspiration, and motivation. So of course, when I write a Better You – Better Business series, it will be positive, encouraging, inspirational and motivational.
Continued on page 2. Click 2 below to continue.