• Sat. Nov 25th, 2023

Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

We train individuals and teams to work with confidence and competence. Call: 484 381 0532. Email: janeanedavis@janeanesworld.com.

Be Grateful for Work

It is wonderful to have a new attitude and be grateful for work. 

Many people who have jobs they do not like but must go to every day. The reality of the matter is that for many people, they will be working at jobs they do not like for an extended period of time. The job will not change. However, these people do not have to continue to be miserable. They can make a change while working at the job that makes them miserable. They can do this by adopting an attitude of gratitude. They can start being grateful to have employment.

Each day people lose jobs or search for a new job without success. No matter how horrible your job is and no matter how much you wish you were not on the job, there is someone who would love to have your job. Your job is not a curse. Your job is not a hindrance. Your job is not what is keeping you from getting where you want to go. The problem is your attitude. If you start with an attitude of gratitude and are truly happy that you have work, you will look at the day differently. Let’s look at the two situations:

Ungrateful for work

  • you start the day with a bad attitude
  • you complain about having to go to work
  • you show up at work just in time to start work before the supervisor begins to complain
  • you make numerous personal calls throughout the day
  • you complain about having to work
  • you are reluctant to do any assignment without being asked repeatedly
  • you spend work time on social media
  • you end the day with a bad attitude

Grateful for work

  • you start the day with a good attitude
  • if you don’t have something nice to say about  your job, you keep your mouth shut
  • you show up each day early enough so that you are at your workstation at start time, not at the front door
  • you keep personal calls to a minimum
  • you state you are happy to have a job to come to each day
  • you do your assignments when asked and do them to completion
  • you save your personal web browsing for home
  • you end the day with a good attitude

Don’t wait for the new year, get a better attitude, an attitude of gratitude today. If you are at a job you hate, go to work with a new attitude and see if it makes a difference in your life. So the question for you this wonderful day is, what attitude are you taking to work with you?