- Have a plan business plan – a plan for where you want the blog to go, audience, marketplace
- Understand the marketplace
- Know the top five competitors in her niche
- Have a budget for expenses – domain, hosting, technical support
- Work to improve her industry knowledge
- Devote time and energy to the blog on a daily basis
- Have set work hours and work on the blog during those hours
These are not ideas for the person who blogs for fun, or for personal enjoyment. These are suggestions specifically for the blogger who is seeking to earn a living from the blog. Bloggers who are trying to earn a living from their blogs must take their obligations to their readers seriously. They work hard to engage readers, to build a community with them and satisfy their needs. Part of that job, part of the mission, is creating a business enterprise, aka a blog, that will be around and satisfying customers aka readers for the long haul.
In order to be around over the long haul the blogger must act vigorously and treat her blog like a business. Keep track of expenses, income and file complete and accurate tax returns that reflect this information. Talk about your blog/business whenever possible to garner publicity and make connections. Carry business cards so that you can spread the word about your business/blog on your travels. Keep up to date with changes in the areas you cover in your blog. Learn to take good, big, bright and vibrant photographs to please your readers. Improve your actual writing by taking courses, reading books and getting feedback on the quality of your writing from trusted advisers. Look for opportunities to interact with potential advertisers. In other words, work vigorously for the success of your business/blog.

In conclusion, it is thrilling to vigorously work to protect your business/ blog and help it to prosper, grow and become sustainable. So, the question for you this thrilling day is, are you vigorously working to protect your business?
Hmmm I have to admit that I only do a fraction of what I know I need to do. My issue is not setting the time aside to get things done …I find the tasks are more than the time I have to do it :-/
Sometimes I get tired of working vigorously, but then I remind myself of all the successful bloggers and business professionals I know, They hustle. Hard. Donald Trump only sleeps a few hours a night. Success takes sacrifice.
Hm, the “have a budget” is the one I struggle with. Less than zero doesn’t count, I suppose, lol!