Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

Empowering scholars to succeed and thrive through encouragement, inspiration, and motivation.

5 Reasons to Be Grateful For Work


It is fantastic to know there are at least five reasons to be grateful for work. Each day there are people who go to work and spend the day complaining and wishing they were any place else in the world. We all have people like this at our places of employment or working for us. None of us like these people. I must confess, I was once one of these people. When I was 19 I had a job that I did not like. Each day I would go to work and let all my co-workers and supervisors know that I was not happy at work. One day the supervisor had enough of me and told me that since I was so unhappy working for the company, I was fired and could go home. I was young and inexperienced so I was shocked. On a side note, when you apply for unemployment insurance and tell the unemployment office that you were fired because you were not happy, they do not believe you.

Almost every place of employment has employees who are not happy to be at work, who wish they did not work. If you are one of these people, let today be the day you make a change and start being grateful for work. Be grateful for work, because work:


It is always important to keep in mind that while misery loves company, no one wants to be that company. If you are not grateful for the work you have, go find other work. After all, most people do not have infinite financial resources. As a result, people must work. One of the best ways to ensure continues employment is to express gratitude for the work you have. It is human nature to do a better job and to take better care of things we are grateful to have. When your employer and co-workers know that you are grateful for your work, you appear to be a more valuable employee to have around. The more valuable you are seen as an employee, the more likely you are to remain employed.

In conclusion, it is fantastic to know there are at least five reasons to be grateful for work. So, the question for you this fantastic day is what is it about work that makes you grateful?

26 thoughts on “5 Reasons to Be Grateful For Work”
  1. lol I have all those reasons to be grateful for except for #1 since I work from home my only interaction with others is thru the internet.. I would love some human contact besides my family… I miss those days “sometimes”

  2. it’s so important to take time to be grateful for work- of any kind- and so many other things. people are so quick to complain and in this economy we should be happy we’re able to work at all!!

  3. I am currently not working because I chose to be a SAHM, but now a days, people got to be thank that they have a job because a lot of people these days don’t have one and would love to work. I will be working someday once my little girl starts going to school. I will be hopeful by then to get a job somewhere near. Thanks for the reminder.

  4. Great post. I especially love, “while misery loves company, no one wants to be that company.” Always good to remember.

  5. I cannot work haven’t been able to for over 10 years now and I hate it – I cannot imagine not having the desire to work to know you have earned the money in your pocket it an amazing feeling one day I hope to be able to work again. x

  6. I started working at the age of 13 and I have always been grateful for work. These are great reasons and I hope that a lot of people see this article.

  7. I am grateful that I am able to stay home with my family. Although they make me crazy at times, I love knowing that i am here for them when they need me.

  8. I am grateful that I no longer work full time!! I know that sounds bad but when you have performed a job almost your whole working career that you really did not like (bookkeeping) mainly because you happened to be good at it and no matter where I went I got sucked back into it-it feels good not to have to do it anymore! I did always manage to act interested and happy while at those jobs but it ultimately took a toll on me.

  9. I am grateful for work because it allows me to pay the bills and do the things I want to do for (and with) my family. Also, in my line of work…I learn something new every day, and for that, I am also grateful!

  10. This is so true! I am so grateful to have a job that allows me to help pay for the kids college, utilize my organizing skills and provide me with a nice work environment.

  11. I needed this reminder as sometimes my job becomes overwhelming and I start dreaming of winning the lottery. LOL! But seriously, this is a great post. Thank you!

  12. I’m very thankful for my job, because I work for myself. 🙂 And I agree, I only hire people into roles where I think they will be happy and successful.

  13. Great reasons… I am grateful for work… haven’t always been but when Hubby’s company was downsized four years ago we were left without anything… now I am grateful of every day he works, provide for our life!

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