Here are a few of the interesting articles I came across this week.
In business, just as in life, there are many “what if” moments. Those are moments that make a person regret one decision or one course of action was taken instead of another. Sark eMedia wrote an interesting article that gives tells entrepreneurs, “How To Have Less “If Only” Moments in Your Business.” Click here to check it out.
When an entrepreneur lists that valuable assets of her business, one of the most fragile assets is data belonging to the business. If data belonging to a business is lost, it can have a devastating impact upon the business. Modern Life Blogs prepared an interesting infographic on data loss and recovery. Click here to check it out.
In today’s modern, technological marketplace, entrepreneurs must learn to promote their products and services on the internet in order to be successful. Many entrepreneurs know this, but do not know how to effectively market on the internet. Virtual Social Media prepared an interesting article on “How to Effectively Promote Your Service on the Internet.” Click here to check it out.
It is difficult to be a solo-preneur. Entrepreneurs who have to do it all themselves have a hard road to travel. Social media marketing is an important part of reaching clients today. Mompreneur Media prepared an interesting article called “Infographic Social Media Marketing For a Solo Business. Click here to check it out.
Website marketing is an important part of finding customers and making money. It is not an easy way to market and it is easy to make mistakes. She Owns It wrote an interesting article detailing what they call the ” 5 Biggest Website Marketing Mistakes of All Time.” Instead of making these mistakes – read the article and avoid them. Click here to check it out.
After you have checked out an article or two, stop back by and share your thoughts and ideas in the comments. Then, be sure to stop back next week for another list of articles to help you do better in your business. If you have an article that will make business better for entrepreneurs, drop me a line at and let’s talk about it.