Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

Everyone can succeed and be happy with the right encouragement, inspiration, and motivation!

Women’s History Month – Maya Angelou and Time

All great achievements require time Maya Angelou

achievements take time

“All great achievements require time.” Maya Angelou

Women’s History Month is a great time to look at the words of Maya Angelou and the lessons they have for entrepreneurs. This quote above has a powerful lesson for entrepreneurs. That lesson is, don’t be afraid to let your business age.

Most entrepreneurs want to succeed and to achieve great and wonderful things with their businesses. It is important for entrepreneurs to keep in mind the fact that great achievements take time. It can be discouraging to try to achieve something day after day after day and not be successful. Some entrepreneurs get frustrated trying for great achievements. Some get so tired they give up.

When running your business, make sure you have a business plan in place. Make sure that business plan is a SMART plan. Then work step by step, piece by piece to accomplish the things in your plan. If you created a SMART plan when you created your business plan, you have a realistic time frame and an idea of how long it should take for you to reach the achievement you desire. Most likely, your business plan does not state you will have overnight success and achievement.

Let this article serve as a reminder that great achievements take time. So, while you are trying to achieve great and wonderful things with your business, give yourself a break. Success may not happen overnight. In fact, success may not happen over the course of many nights. If it takes months or even years for success and achievement to come in your business, be encouraged and continue to push forward.


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Entrepreneurs who want to succeed should ABL aka Always be Learning. So,  the question for you this fantastic day is what achievement are you working on in your business and how to you stay encouraged while waiting for it to happen?