However, on occasion, there is nothing in the world forcing us to do what we need to do. Some times, there are no external reminders or pressures, but we still have to get through the to-do list. On those occasions, at those times, we need to get up and motivate ourselves. In other words, as my twins say, “You need to chick up!” We have to find the will and the way to get through the to-do list.
The following are a few motivational tools for getting through a to-do list:
1. competition-how fast can you get the work done
2. reward pick a small treat for yourself as a reward for getting through the list
3. pride concentrate on the good feeling that comes from getting a job done
4. peer pressure tell a friend or two that you have to get through the list and need them to push you along to get it done
5. collective effort – gather a friend or two and help each other get through your respective to do lists