Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

Everyone can succeed and be happy with the right encouragement, inspiration, and motivation!

Want to Be Happier When Things Are Rough – Take Action Now

Here are a few situations where I have used that method:

  • before starting my consulting firm
  • dealing with the immediate aftermath of being hit and almost killed by a hit and run driver
  • helping a crying child who was living 5 hours from home
  • figuring out how to handle a husband near death in the intensive care unit of the hospital


Each of these situations was rough, hard and almost too much to handle. But, in each case, I stepped back, sometimes literally, and panicked, cried and went a little crazy, but, not forever. I could not wallow forever, so I counted to five, took a deep breath and got moving. No matter how rough, scary and daunting the road before you may be, take action now to move forward.

You Must Take Action Now, Even if it is Hard.

 It is not easy to take action now when things are rough. In fact, it is hard, extremely hard and even scary.  However, that does not matter. It does not matter how scared you are, even when things are rough, you must take action now. You must always remember, you are a human being, not an ostrich. in other words, when things are rough, get your head out of the sand and take action now.

There are people who take action now and get things done and there are people who cannot or do not take action now for one reason or another. The people who can not or do not take action now always those who do take action now – “How do you do it, how are you able to take action now and get things done when life is hard and things seem to be crumbling all around you.” They are looking for a quick answer, a magic bullet or special trick. The fact of the matter is that there is no magic quick answer, magic bullet or secret potion. If you want to take action now when things are rough, you must simply take action now. In other words, if you need to take action now, take action now and get things done. Don’t spend time worrying, wondering and making excuses.


If you want to be happier when things are rough, take action now to get things done. You cannot let the trials and tribulations of life keep you from doing the things you need to do in order to succeed. There will always be problems, there will always be reasons to let fear and depression paralyze you.


[Tweet “Yes, life is hard sometimes, really hard, so what, take action now and move.”]


There is always an excuse or a reason not to take action now. There is always more research that needs to be done. There is always another job that needs to be done. There is always an outcome that should be feared. None of that matters, so put it out of your mind. Each time something comes along and blocks your ability to take action now and get something done do the following:

  • Shake your head, literally shake your head as if you are shaking off the bad thoughts, ideas and problems
  • Start thinking about the good that will happen if you take action now
  • Take action now and get things done


Repeat this process as many times as needed to get things done. I have been in situations where I had to follow these three steps over and over again almost constantly as I worked to get something done. Be encouraged, stand strong and know that you can make it, you can succeed, put in the work and get it done.

Take Action Now - Get Things Done www.janeanesworld.com If you are interested in reading more about how to take action now and get things done, click  here to checkout my e-book and journal – Take Action Now and Get Things Done.

 If you would like to read more articles about springing to take action now, check out the following.

spring into action now www.janeanesworld.comCompletion – Spring Into Action Now, Don’t Wait

It is magnificent to get important tasks completed, so spring into action now! People spend a lot of time managing their to do lists. Trying to figure out what to put on the list, how to organize items on the list and what to keep off the list. The thing people do not spend careful thought and attention on is actually completing the things on the list. That is a shame, because the completion is the most important thing when dealing with items on a to do list. Before reading this article, look at your to do list to see your list completion rate.
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spring into action now www.janeanesworl.comMake a Plan, Get a TAN – Take Action Now

You must Take Action Now because you should be the driver of your life’s train. When you sit back and let happen whatever will happen, you are in the passenger seat of your life. In life, just like in a car, the passenger has very little impact on the road traveled. When you don’t Take Action Now, you are sitting down and when you should be standing and walking. When you sit back and just let life happen rather than Taking Action Now, you are like a person who brings a knife to a gun fight. You are ill prepared and out-of-place.
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