Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

Empowering scholars to succeed and thrive through encouragement, inspiration, and motivation.

I Am a Walmart Family Mobile Ambassador



I have been named a Walmart Family Mobile Brand Ambassador and I am so excited about it. I have been using Walmart Family Mobile phones and service for quite some time now. It started when I decided to get my teenager a new phone as a reward for getting accepted into so many colleges and universities last fall.


This is the case for the  Samsung Galaxy Exhibit with the 5mp camera and some great pre-loaded software. Walmart Family Mobile #SoFab

I gave my teenie bopper the phone as a gift so I crocheted a phone case for her to make it easier for her to carry it around. This green phone case is meant to be worn messenger style.    In conclusion, the Walmart Family Mobile Plan and Samsung Galaxy Exhibit 4G have joined together to provide a cool phone, fun built-in applications and money-saving options in the best wireless plan.



When I gave my teenie bopper the phone her smile was so bright and sunny. I felt like a winner! She made me laugh when she started taking all her selfies (aka self-portrait photos). You can tell she is young because she immediately started taking photos. She did not need time to redo her hair, put on makeup or change clothes. Perhaps one of the privileges of youth is that you always look camera ready!


One cool thing that happened is that I was able to get a new phone, this time a Windows Nokia 521, to give as a gift to my husband for Mother’s Day. I had to get one to surprise him. In our house we have a history of getting people gifts for weird occasions. I give the kids presents for my birthday. My husband gives me presents for his birthday and things like that. Therefore it was just like the Davis family for me to want to give Darren a new Windows phone for Mother’s day. Keep in mind, Darren is an accountant so you know was happy to save money on phone service.


Most recently, I had a chance to get another phone from Walmart Family Mobile. This time, I got it so that my kids who were still at home could talk, text and video chat with their sister who was miles away at college. I got another Windows Nokia 521 phone because they were on sale!






As this shows, I really like the Walmart Family Mobile plan. I am looking forward to sharing more with you during my term as a Walmart Family Mobile Brand Ambassador.

14 thoughts on “I Am a Walmart Family Mobile Ambassador”
  1. Congratulations! I would be excited as well! I like knowing that the service has been working for you and saving you money. I’m always looking for a way to save money, but for some reason I am always afraid to mess with my cell service.

  2. I sure wish we could use this where I live – living in the mountains makes you only able to use certain things. 🙁 Love the post and info, I’ll pass it on!

  3. I totally clicked to see the crocheted purse.
    What a great way to stay in touch! I am so happy for you and love the available phones.

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