“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”
During the month of March each year all across the United States, people celebrate Women’s History Month. This blog was created to encourage, inspire, and motivate people to be their best at work and at home. During the month of March each year, we share quotes from Maya Angelou. Each quote is analyzed to show why Angelou’s words, written so long ago are appropriate for today’s entrepreneurs.
So, sit back read the beautiful words then check out the analysis. Stay with us for the entire month and feel free to share your own interpretation in the comments. Today’s quote is:
“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”
This quote is important because it has three lessons for entrepreneurs. These lessons are:
1. You should tell the story of your business.
2. If you don’t tell the story of your business it will cost you.
3. There is a good pride in sharing your story with the world.
You should tell the story of your business.
There is something wonderful about your business. It is a story you must share with the world. Think about your business. Why did you start it? What was your inspiration? How did you earn your first dollar? What do you want your business’ legacy to be? The answers to these questions are a story. They are the story of your business and the story deserves to be heard.
No one can tell the story of your business the way you can. No one else will have your passion. No one else will have your love. No one else can do what you can do. So sit up straight, put on your biggest smile, and tell the story. Tell the story of the business you created.
If you don’t tell the story of your business it will cost you.
When you don’t tell the story if your business you may lose opportunity or money. Years ago my husband taught me a sales method:
• First let them get to know you
• Then they will trust you
• Once they trust you, they will buy from you
This sales method has one thing at its core – you must give prospects a story. Prospects and customers want to hear your story. They want to hear the story if your business. The story helps them learn who you are and what your business is. Telling the story of your business helps prospects and clients get to know you which will help them develop trust in you. Once they trust you, they will give their business.
If you don’t share your story, if you hide it under a bush, you will lose. You will lose a chance to make connections. You will lose opportunities in business. You will lose money.
There is a good pride in sharing your story with the world.
The story of your business is something of which you can be proud. Not the kind of pride that goes before a fall. It has the kind of pride that includes appreciation of the journey. It has the kind of pride that appreciates that all good and perfect gifts come from above. The story of your business is something you can share and feel good about.
When you think about the story of your business are there parts that can help others? Are there parts of your story that will encourage, inspire, and motivate others? Will your story turn prospects into customers? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, be proud of your story. Be proud and share your story with the world.
Never forget that Maya Angelou was right when she said, “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” You also must remember the three lessons this quote has for entrepreneurs: you should tell the story of your business, if you don’t tell the story of your business it will cost you, and there is a good pride in sharing your story with the world.
Come back tomorrow when the quote of the day will be: “When you learn, teach, when you get, give.”