It’s not easy to take action now when you are afraid, but if you find a way to do it, you can win!
First, understand that fear is real
Fear is most often defined as a belief that a thing is dangerous or likely to cause pain of some kind. Fear is not a pleasant thing. But it is a real thing. This means that when people tell you that you fear is not real or that you should ignore your fears, they are not giving you good advice. Fear is real. I have never met a person who was brave all the time. In fact, most people I meet have been afraid of things from time to time throughout life. People get afraid of success, failure, missed opportunity or even over selling their hand.
Fear is real. I know people are used to saying the only thing you have to fear is fear itself, but that’s not true. There are lots of things scary things in the world. There are lots of things to fear. While you must take action now even if you are afraid, you still must acknowledge that fear is real. Acknowledging that fear is real is a good thing. Real things can be dealt with and handled. Real things, real problems can be address, dealt with, worked around and solved. This means it is good that fear is real because since it is real, it can be dealt with.
Take action now even if you are scared
Over the course of my life, I have been scared to take action now and move forward more times than I can count (and I can use calculus to count). What I don’t do is let that fear stop me from taking action now to get things done. I choose to find a way to take action now even when I am scared. In fact, sometimes, the fact that I am scared helps my determination to take action now and get things done.
Read More: 5 Ways to Take Action Now and Win Reward – No Fear
There are all kinds of tips and tricks for how to fight fear, combat fear and beat fear. That is another source of good news. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel and figure out how to win against fear. Instead, you can try some of the tips and tricks others have used with success. If those don’t work, don’t be dismayed, change some of the tricks you tried and adapt them to specifically fit your world, your life and your situation. More than anything else, be encouraged and know that you really can beat fear, take action now and win in your life.