• Thu. Nov 23rd, 2023

Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

We train individuals and teams to work with confidence and competence. Call: 484 381 0532. Email: janeanedavis@janeanesworld.com.

Stop Being Scared and Start Living the Dream

It is scary, really scary to take a dream from our brains and secret thoughts to reality.

Decide today that you will stop being afraid and start doing that bold, audacious, courageous thing you dream about. Living in fear does nothing but help you to be more afraid. Instead, step up and do the bold thing of your dreams.

Decide today that you will stop being afraid and start living the dream. Living in fear does nothing but help you to be more afraid. Instead, step up and do the bold thing of your dreams.

Spoiler alert – there is a video summary of this article at the bottom of the page.


We all have big bold dreams we need to pursue.


Recently I purchased a notebook cover with the words, “Stop Dreaming Start Doing” boldly emblazoned across the cover. I did not need the new notebook cover, but the message drew my eyes and my dollars. I am a person who dreams big and wonderful dreams. I have done this all my life. The first dream I remember was the dream I had when I was five. At that time I dreamed that by the time I was thirty I would be married, have a child, and be an attorney. I achieved that dream and then thought, wow, I accomplished that, I should have dreamed bigger. So, I continued to dream big, bold, and audacious dreams.

Read More: Take Action Now – What Are You Afraid Will Happen 

Several years ago, I dreamed of a conference I call the #MakeItWorkRetreat. Several months ago, I did the conference on a small scale although I dreamed about doing it on a big scale. I am talking about a big, bold, scary scale. I was afraid to go big with the conference. I made up dozens of excuses for why I should keep it small and low-key. It was a nice event, but it could have been a grand, wondrous, bold, and audacious thing. But, I talked myself out of going big and bold. Instead, I kept dreaming about #MakeItWorkRetreat. I dreamed about locations, session topics, potential speakers, and the great things I would do for attendees. Dreaming about it is not enough though. I need to start doing the work to make the dream a reality. So, I did that. I stepped out on faith, putting on my fake it until I make it with work dress and did the bold thing. The conference took place in May 2017.

[Tweet “Today is the day you can stop dreaming and start doing.”]


Decide today that you will stop being afraid and start doing that bold, audacious, courageous thing you dream about. Living in fear does nothing but help you to be more afraid. Instead, step up and do the bold thing of your dreams.


Take a moment now to look at your life. If you are honest with yourself, there is some big, bold dream you have hidden away in your heart. Keep in mind, that big and bold varies from person to person. For example, there are millions of people who do conferences each year so the idea of doing a conference is not big and bold to them, but to me, it is everything. Do not compare your big, bold thing to someone else. Instead, just find something that is big and bold in your heart and then work to make it happen. Today is the day you can stop dreaming and start doing. I encourage you to start working on a big, bold, and audacious thing of your own and share this journey with me.

I have never met a person without a dream.

I meet people in the real world and online every day of the week. Every person I have ever met has had a dream. Some of the dreams are small, sweet, and simple. Other dreams are big, bold, and audacious. Dreams are precious things. While we can have a new dream each day, they are still precious. They are precious because they are delicate and strong at the same time. Dreams are precious because they are full to the brim, perhaps even overflowing with the potential for greatness. Dreams are a valuable commodity. The bigger, bolder, and more audacious they are, the more they should not be squandered. Big, bold, and audacious dreams should be taken from a dream state to reality.

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It is scary, really scary to take a dream from our brains and secret thoughts to reality. It should be scary. After all, most great things are scary. When man first invented fire – it was scary. When Madame C. J. Walker started dreaming of selling her hair care products, it was scary. When Maya Angelou started writing her poems and sharing them with the world it was scary. When Michelle Obama started her journey to become First Lady of the United States it was scary. But each of those women kept going. No matter how scary things were, they pushed forward until their dreams became reality. Their journeys, their ability to march forward over scary paths are now the things of legends. Their stories are the stories we share with school children to encourage them. There is no reason why you cannot follow your dream and become just as important and inspiring as each of those women.

Read More: Want to Be Confident? Grab Your Big Girl Panties 

Decide today that you will stop being afraid and start doing that bold, audacious, courageous thing you dream about. Living in fear does nothing but help you to be more afraid. Instead, step up and do the bold thing of your dreams.

Today, I am asking you to look at your big, bold, and audacious dreams. Pick one of them, the biggest, boldest, and most audacious dreams you have. Once you have selected that dream, start taking steps to make it happen. Follow the advice on my notebook, “stop dreaming and start doing.” There is a reason our hearts jump when we hear the phrase, “Just do the darned thing.” That phrase makes us feel stronger, smarter, more capable, and more powerful. So select a big, bold, and audacious dream and start working on it today.

Pull that dream out of the clouds and bring it to earth so you can make it happen. Pull out your laptop or pen and paper and start creating a SMART(Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-Bound) plan to make the dream come true. It is not going to be easy. If you are looking for easy, this is the wrong place to look. It is hard work to make a dream come true. But, it is more than worth the effort. Things worth having are worth working to obtain. The bigger, bolder, and more audacious your dream, the harder it will be to obtain. At the same time, the bigger, bolder, and more audacious the dream, the more worth attaining it is. So, stop looking for excuses for not working to make the dream reality and instead, put in the work to make the dream real.

It is scary, really scary to take a dream from our brains and secret thoughts to reality.

Life is for living and dreams are for living. Dreams are a gift. Gifts are meant to be opened, used, and enjoyed, not simply set on a shelf. Pick up your dream and spend time each day pushing that thing from dream to reality. Stop dreaming and start doing, and start today!

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