Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

Empowering scholars to succeed and thrive through encouragement, inspiration, and motivation.

Show Your Children Love


You can find serenity in learning how to show your children love. Children are funny. No matter what we do for them, no matter what sacrifices we make for their benefit, if we deny them a cookie before dinner, they feel unloved. We must find ways to show our children love in ways they understand and appreciate. Recently I asked one of my young daughters what was her favorite thing about me. For the few seconds while I waited for her response my mind wandered. I thought bout the myriad of things she and I did together over the course of her life. I thought about the countless things I have done to make her happy. The answer she gave never crossed my mind. Her response was, “What I love most is that Miss Pam gives you books for us to read.”

love your children www.janeanesworld.com


I must admit, when I heard that response my feelings were hurt! I mean, I asked her what she loved bout ME and she was telling me something someone else did. I smiled, today her thank you and continued to play the game we were playing. I thought about her response for hours that day and the next. then I got it. Her response was a compliment to my friend Pam. That part of her statement was obvious. At the same time, she paid me a wonderful compliment as well. She is a girl who loves to read She likes the smell and feel of paper bòoks. New books signed by the authors are a special treat for her. So in her way, she was saying that the thing she loved most about me was that I found ways to get her the things that made her happy. Additionally, the fact that I am a writer and my baby loves books was not lost on me.



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Look at your children individually. Each one has a different treasured item, thought and experience that stands above all others. When looking for ways to show your children love, look for those individual items and try to create more. Even if you don’t like the food, game or movie, find a way to make the experience a good one for your child.

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You can find serenity in learning how to show your children love. So the question for you this serene day is, what do you do to show your children love?


If you want to read more about good ideas for children, check out the following.

Lessons for Our Children – It’s OK to Fail https://www.janeanesworld.com/serene-sunday-lessons-for-our-children-its-ok-to-fail/

You can find serenity in teaching your children it is important to teach our children it is ok to fail and then keep going. As a mother of four, lessons for children are a large part of my daily existence. Through my writing, my children will have a written record to share with their spouses and therapists to show why and how they turned out as they did. Other lessons in this series are the following: It is OK to Fail Get all You Can, Can All You Get Be a Friend to Yourself Don’t Get Ready, Stay Ready One Monkey Don’t Stop No Show [Read More . . . ]

Raise Independent Children – Don’t Hamper Their Ability to Succeed

You can find serenity in raising your children to be independent, so do not hamper them. Recently I read an article where one mother said that she wiped her seven years old son’s bottom after he went to the bathroom because she was afraid he would not get clean enough. I was amazed by this. I do not know if the boy was home schooled or went to a traditional school. I wondered, if he went to school how did the boy handle his personal hygiene while he was at school. When the family went out to restaurants or to visit relatives, I wonder if she followed her son to the bathroom to wipe his bottom. I am not telling this story to comment on this mother’s parenting choices. I am not writing about it to say that she is right or wrong in her choice. Instead, I am writing about it to illustrate that there is a line between over-parenting our children and teaching them with proper parenting. I am suggesting that this line is a wide one and is best judged on an individual family by family situation. [Read More . . . ]