Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

Empowering scholars to succeed and thrive through encouragement, inspiration, and motivation.

The Job Search Has Some Rewards to offer

The job search process has some great rewards for you to look forward to experiencing.


The job search process has some great rewards for you to look forward to experiencing.


From time to time throughout a person’s life, she may have to go on a job search.  It doesn’t matter if you are a traditional 9 to 5 worker, a Fortune 500 executive, or an entrepreneur searching for new business, there will be times when you must go on a job search. Be encouraged when that time comes, because job searches can be very rewarding. Typically, people think the reward from the job search is the job and paycheck. Those two things are good, and they are rewarding. However, they are not the only reward from the job search.


There are three other rewards that job searches provide. They are the following:

  1. Opportunity for self-care in the form of singing your own praises.
  2. Opportunity for an ego boost when people request you come in for interviews.
  3. Opportunity to shine.


Opportunity for self-care in the form of singing your own praises.


It is not uncommon for modern women to spend a lot of their time taking care of other people. Women today have spouses, children, friends, family member, co-workers, employees, and dozens of other people they must take care of each day. All of these people and all these responsibilities consume a lot of resources. They take time, money, and strength. Taking care of all these people often leave a woman without significant time to recognize many of her wonderful qualities.  The job search provides an opportunity for that woman to stop and think about all her good qualities and the wonderful things she has to offer the world.


Click here to read an article on 3 reasons to accept compliments and five ways to start.


The job search process has some great rewards for you to look forward to experiencing.


Opportunity for an ego boost when people request you come in for interviews.


I speak with women across the United States each day. One thing I have noticed is that many of them do not know how to take a compliment.  Almost everyone has heard the expression, “Pride goeth before the fall.” It is a good expression and it has been around for thousands of years for a good reason. The problem with the expression is that many people apply it incorrectly when it comes to their lives. There is nothing wrong with recognizing that you are good at things. There is nothing wrong with being in a position to have your good works speak praises for you.


Click here to read an article about the Proverbs 31 woman and how her good works are worthy of praise.


Opportunity to shine.

Sometimes, while working for others or with others we do not have the ability to stand up and take credit for the wonderful things we have done. When a person is looking for a job or a new piece of business, it is a chance to shine like a diamond in the sun. During searches for jobs or new pieces of business, it is time to let everyone know not only that you are good at things, but just how quantitatively good you are at those things. When a person is interviewing for a job or new business, it is the perfect time to share stories and examples of how great you are at things. This opportunity to shine is an ego boost. It is a chance to shine, so step up to the plate and shine!


As this article has shown, the job search has many great and wonderful rewards beyond simply finding a job and a paycheck. So the next time you are on a job search, be grateful for the rewards including the opportunity for self-care in the form of singing your own praises, the opportunity for an ego boost when people request you come in for interviews, and the opportunity to shine. So the question for you this wonderful day is what rewards have you found when searching for a job.


Creating Confidence

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