Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

We train individuals and teams to work with confidence and competence. Call: 484 381 0532. Email: janeanedavis@janeanesworld.com.

Review What Happened In My World This Week

Sunday Week in Review Graphic

This has been a busy week. A lot has happened in your world and in mine. Some people find serenity one day per week by taking time to review the news they have missed during the course of the week.If you are one of those people, this is the place for you! Here are the things we covered in Janeane’sWorld this week. After you check out what has been going on in our world, go to the comments and share something exciting that has happened in your world.

No More Stress Urinary Incontinence Fears

poise SUI www.janeanesworld.comPoise Impressa Bladder Supports are an awesome way to laugh, cough, dance sneeze or exercise without fear of stress urinary incontinence. For most people, the best days are full of fun, laughter and dancing. Unfortunately for some, this may cause bladder leakage. I say unfortunately because when you cough, laugh or dance and start to leak it may lead to embarrassment, discomfort and lack of desire to be around others. Life should not be this way. You should be able to enjoy all that life has to offer without fear that having a fun time or working out will lead to embarrassment and discomfort. Click here to read more.


These Alumni See the Biggest Gender Pay Gaps

gender pay gap www.janeanesworld.com

The national gender pay gap is currently one of the most talked about issues in American politics. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, women who work full-time earn about 82 percent of what men make. Click here to read more.




These Colleges Are Paying Their Basketball Players The Most Money

basketball salaries www.janeanesworld.comEarlier this year, the NCAA decided that for the first time ever, schools could give its student-athletes a cost of attendance (COA) stipend for the 2015-16 school year to help them pay for expenses beyond the typical costs (tuition, room, board, books) covered by their athletic scholarships. It was a huge step forward for NCAA athletes, many of whom struggle to make ends meet while colleges profit off their hard work. Click here to read more.



The Sandwich Havens of America

sandwich haves in the us www.janeanesworld.comMaking the perfect sandwich is an art. Getting the right cheese to meat ratio, as well as picking out the perfect sauces to add that extra je ne sais quoi takes time and practice. The stress of getting all the parts just right is enough that many prefer to have a sandwich made for them. Click here to read more.



Continued on page 2. Click 2 below to continue.