Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

Everyone can succeed and be happy with the right encouragement, inspiration, and motivation!

Respect Your Business and Other Lessons for Entrepreneurs

"If I am not good to myself, how can I expect anyone else to be good to me." Maya Angelou

Lessons for Entrepreneurs - Respect Your Business

“If I am not good to myself, how can I expect anyone else to be good to me.” Maya Angelou


It is always a great time to look at the words of Maya Angelou and their lessons for entrepreneurs.  One of the best lessons is that you should respect your business if you want others to respect it. It is a wonderful thing to be an entrepreneur.  Owning a business and contributing to the economy as a provider of jobs is a great thing. No matter what your business does always show your business respect. Small entrepreneurs tend to refer to their businesses “just my business” or “my little business” or “just a small business.” Show you respect your business by proudly calling it your business.


Spoiler alert – there is a video summary of this article at the bottom of the page.


Lessons for Entrepreneurs - Respect Your Business

Respect Your Business


Other small business owners disrespect their businesses by showing up late to work and leaving early. Still others do only the bare minimum needed to maintain the business. These things are wrong and not acceptable in any way. If you are an entrepreneur and want to succeed in business you must respect your business. Show up on time. Make sure you always give your best efforts to all you do.


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When you treat your business with disrespect you encourage those around you to treat your business the same. Small business owners play a vital role in the United States economy. They create jobs at their own businesses. When they buy goods and services, they help other entrepreneurs stay in business. This is not something to be taken lightly. It is not something to be cast aside as nothing. It is a big deal to be an entrepreneur and it should be treated that way. This is another reason you should respect your business.


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They say those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it. If you are an entrepreneur who wants to succeed should always respect your businesses. So,  the question for you this thrilling day is are you treating your business with the respect it deserves?