• Sat. Nov 25th, 2023

Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

We train individuals and teams to work with confidence and competence. Call: 484 381 0532. Email: janeanedavis@janeanesworld.com.

Procrastination Killer – Rule of Three


  • look for new customers
  • complete items that need to be delivered to clients
  • keep employees motivated


  • complete sponsored posts
  • syndicate your blog content
  • develop a workable editorial calendar


  • feed the family
  • keep the house clean
  • develop good parenting habits


An interesting thing to keep in mind is the fact that the most valuable core tasks for one organization, blog or family may not matter at all to another. In addition, the most valuable core tasks may change over the course of time or as circumstances change. For this reason, it is important to look at all the roles you play and to assess what is important in each role on a regular basis. By doing this type of assessment each month, you will know what the three most valuable core tasks are and can act accordingly.

This rule of three approach to killing procrastination may not be easy, and it does involve work, but so what! Life involves work, you cannot stop just because life gets kind of hard sometimes. Look at the roles you play, write down either with pen and paper or on your favorite electronic device. Once your roles are identified, under each, write down the three most valuable core tasks you need to take care of each day. Then do something each day to address those tasks.

[Tweet “Use the rule of three to kill procrastination, get stuff done and be happy.”]

In conclusion, it is terrific to know that you can kill procrastination by applying the law of three. So, the question for you this terrific day is, what are the three most important things in your roles and what are you going to do to act on them?

Want to learn more? Here are a few books to get you started. These books are affiliate links. This means I may earn money if you purchase a book using one of the links listed here.

25 thoughts on “Procrastination Killer – Rule of Three”
  1. Ahhh …. the good ole procrastination that kicks me in the butt every time. It creates stress and crazy unhealthy things to happen but it’s also one of those things that drive me too. Sad to say 🙁 These are great points to think about for sure though 🙂

  2. I’m horrible at procrastinating! This is good advice! Thanks!

  3. I like this rule of three but definitely the applicable in my status right now are the blogging and the parenting/home.

  4. I am a horrible procrastinator, what an encouraging post!

  5. Wow love your 3 blogging cores . last 2 weeks my procrastination levels are to high for my liking. I need to focus thanks!

  6. Great post and I bust out all of them things daily, except the finding new customers. That is so much work and I like blogging more than finding customers lol Although I could use a few more hosting clients.

  7. I’m not much of a procrastinator. I just wish there was more time in a day to tackle my projects!

  8. I can probably manage to do that. Three isn’t too daunting of a number.

  9. It’s amazing how many places the rule of three works! Art, photography, procrastination…I’m keeping my eyes peeled for it now!

  10. Love your 3 simple lists. I think we try to complicate things too much

  11. I need to apply the law of 3 to my own life. Especially to my work life, which I overcomplicate.

  12. The law of 3 is great. I’d also add Alex Fitel’s book “EXCUSES” to the list! Lots of good tips in there, too!

  13. MUST apply the law of three in my life!!! Thanks for sharing 🙂

  14. Absolutely. Getting the most uncomfortable tasks out of the way first thing in the morning makes for a much better and more productive afternoon.

  15. My word this year is “do” so it is very fulfilling to check things off my to-do list!

  16. Those are great tips… generally try to follow the rules: If I can, I Delete It, If I can’t Delete It, I Defer It for Later, If I Can’t Defer It, I Delegate It, If I can’t delegate it, I do It! Now sometimes the Do It list gets a little overwhelming which is where I think the rule of 3 might come in handy instead of giving up on it all!

  17. I make lists and that usually keeps me on track with doing things that need to be done!

  18. We have to make out to do’s more managable so we can cross off. I put off things a lot like cleaning.

  19. I find myself struggling with huge to-do lists, thanks for the great advice! I really need to focus in the core tasks.

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