Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

Empowering scholars to succeed and thrive through encouragement, inspiration, and motivation.

Network for Work – So Easy My Child Did It

photo of African American children shaking hands and the words "Network for Work - So Easy My Child Did It"

photo of African American children shaking hands and the words "Network for Work - So Easy My Child Did It&quotIf you are looking for work, network. It is so easy my daughter was able to do it after her first year of college.

While home for the summer she wanted a job. She used her network and mine and found a great job. If you are looking for work, use your networks online and in the real world to get a job. When you are serious about looking for a job,  network and start using all the tools at your disposal – those in the real world and online.

Most people understand how networking works in the real world. It is like six degrees of separation. You know someone who knows someone who knows someone and you use those connections to help you get a job. The internet and smartphones put dozens of social networks right in the palm of our hands. This means that we are potentially connected to millions of people who can help us to find work.

In the summer after her first year at college, my eldest daughter was home from college for the summer and wanted a job. She used her social network which included my friends on Facebook and found a job. I sent a message to a friend on Facebook asking her for suggestions about where my daughter could apply. My friend posted a status update asking people in her network to suggest places where my daughter could apply for a real job. One of our mutual friends saw the post, communicated with my daughter and within a few hours, my daughter had a job. Later, my daughter’s boss told her one of the things that helped her get the job was the status updates I wrote about her on social media.
Now of course, once my daughter got the job, she had to work hard, perform at a high level and make her boss happy,  which she did. But, it all started with her using her networks in real life and online in order to find a job.  Think about it, if a college freshman was able to use her network to find a job, anyone can do it. It is not a matter of experience. It is a matter of taking the resources you have available to you and using them in the best way possible.

When you network to find a job, network with a plan.


When you are ready to look for a job and plan to use your networks to do so, start with a plan. Before you can ask your network for help to find a job, you need to gather some information and have it at your fingertips. The information you need to have readily available includes the following:

  • An up-to-date resume
  • A list of dream jobs
  • Decide whether you are willing to relocate
  • What support/assistance you want – reference, contact name, other
  • Your employment elevator pitch

At a basic level, the bare minimum you must have an up-to-date resume. Ideally, you should customize your resume for each position for which you apply. Make sure your resume does not have typos, exaggerations, or misinformation. No matter what resume format you choose, be sure to include the name of each employer, the location (city, state), and the tasks you performed that are relevant to the new position you are seeking to obtain.

If you are using your network to help you find a job, you must have a listing of the types of jobs you would like to obtain. You must make it easy for people in your network to help you. A list of the jobs or types of jobs you want makes it possible for those in your network to determine quickly and with ease if they are able to assist you. When you give your network guidance, they are able to give you the support you need to find the job you want.


If you want to read more about succeeding on the job  and on a job search, check out:


Commit to Taking the Job Search Seriously By Updating Your Resume – It is wonderful to commit to taking the job search seriously by updating your resume. Click here to read more.


Be Grateful for Your Job Even When it is Time to Go – when it is time to move on, still be grateful for the job you had. Click here to read more.


Also, check out our Confidence Tip of the Day YouTube channel for hundreds of videos on creating the confidence you need to succeed.


Social networks enable us to speak with people all around the nation and indeed, all around the world. This means that when you let your network know you are looking for a job, there is a potential that you will get offers from all around the world. If you are not willing to relocate out of state or out of the country, you must let your network know this information. This information is important for your network so that they give you assistance in your desired geographic location.

Most people have heard the expression, “beggars can’t be choosers.” I disagree wholeheartedly. If you are going to beg, I say beg for what you want. In the job search setting, this means you must let your network know what kind of job you are looking for, where you want to work, your relocation preference, and your desired salary range. This information is important because it helps determine the assistance you need and that your network will provide.

Last, but certainly not least, you must have a job search elevator pitch. An elevator pitch is a small speech that gives your message to the world in just a few sentences. It is a statement that tells the world what you stand for and what you want. Here is my elevator pitch by way of example:

“I believe everyone can succeed and be happy with the right encouragement, inspiration and motivation and that is why I create resources designed to encourage, inspire and motivate people to be their best at home and work. “

This pitch tells the world who I am, what I stand for, and why I do what I do. Your elevator pitch will show your network, what you stand for, the type of work you have done, the work you want to do, and what you have to offer.


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If you are looking for a new job, I encourage you to use your network both in the real world and online to help you reach your goals. Take time today to look at where you are in your current job search and come up with a plan to get the job you want with the assistance of your network. What is the first thing you will do?


Click here to download a copy of our 3 part Creating Confidence Checklist.