Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

Empowering scholars to succeed and thrive through encouragement, inspiration, and motivation.

It’s Your Life – Take Action Now and Run Things

Take Action Now so that you can control your world, rather than being controlled by others.

Everyone who wants to get things done must TAN aka Take Action Now. All the talking and planning in the world will get nothing accomplished without action. In addition, if you don’t take action now, someone else will and they will control your destiny.

Take action now and control your destiny – after all, it is your life, you should control it.
Everyone who wants to get things done must TAN aka Take Action Now. All the talking and planning in the world will get nothing accomplished without action. In addition, if you don't take action now, someone else will and they will control your destiny.

Several years ago while attending a business conference I first learned about the term TAN aka Take Action Now. One of the speakers at the conference talked about how he learned to avoid disagreements with his wife by taking action now and doing things he knew she wanted him to do before going on business trips. For the most part, they were simple things  – take out the large trash cans, do certain activities with the children and handle car maintenance.

For months he had been getting into fights with his wife and when he came home from trips. He was unable to relax as he wanted and instead had to all the chores he should have done in advance.  Once he learned to take action now before he went on trips, he was in control of his destiny. He was able to enjoy coming home from his business trips because there was no disagreement awaiting him. By simply taking action now and doing what needed to be done, he gained control of his life.

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Look at your life and obligations right now.Are there things that you should take action now to do that you have been putting off? In your past, have you been pushed into corners or backed into places and situations you did not want to be because you failed to take action when you should have? If this has ever happened to you, you saw the value of a move to take action now. Action needs to be taken, people need to move forward and get things done. If you fail to take action now and get things done, others will take action and your life will be determined by the decisions of others.

Take Action Now so that you can control your world, rather than being controlled by others.

Follow Janeane Davis’s board Take Action Now on Pinterest.

This means that the outcome may not be to your liking. A simple example is the following. Imagine you are at a restaurant for dinner. Normally you order the grilled chicken with seasonal vegetables and fresh bread. However, today you want something different, you are in the mood for grilled salmon with sweet potatoes and broccoli. Before the waitress comes to take your order, you go to the restroom without letting your family know what you are in the mood to eat. when you come out and find that the chicken has been ordered for you, you will eat it and as usual, it will be delicious as usual. However, you will be dissatisfied, because you did not get what you wanted. You were not in control of your own life.

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While a dinner order is a rather small thing in the grand scheme of life, it is an example of what happens when we fail to take action now. What happens is that others are in charge of our lives and we get to do what we are told instead of what we want.  Take action now and do what needs to be done in your life before someone else takes over the reins in your life.



When it comes to your life, stand up, take action now and start being the boss. There is no one better suited to the task and no one better prepared for the job. Do not let fear keep you eating chicken when you really want salmon. The question for you this magnificent day is, as it is every day, what are you going to take action now to accomplish?