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Get a Good Attitude if You Want to Be Self-Sufficient
It is wonderful to know that work can help you be self-sufficient, so get a good attitude.
Get a good attitude if you want to be self-sufficient. Your attitude determines almost everything in your life. So start today doing what is needed to have the attitude for being self-sufficient.
It is wonderful to know that work can help you be self-sufficient, so get a good attitude.
When you are seeking work, whether you are a traditional employee, a freelancer or an entrepreneur, you must go about the job search with a good attitude. Everyone has heard the expression, “misery loves company.” However, no one wants to be that company. When a business enterprise is self-sufficient it is able to care for itself financially without outside help. Businesses that are self-sufficient are successful on-going enterprises. Since self-sufficiency is a goal businesses should aim for, business owners must get attitudes that are pleasing to all concerned parties.
It is very important to have a good attitude in your interactions with other people. Even when you are your own boss, you have customers, suppliers, employees, bankers, and neighbors you must come in contact with on a regular basis. None of these people want to be around you if you have a bad attitude. Customers feel better dealing with people who make them feel good about themselves and the goods and services they are purchasing. They will pay extra money and refer their friends to a business where the owner makes them feel good about themselves. When a business owner learns to make customers feel good about themselves, the business owner will be on the road to self-sufficiency.
If you are a business owner who is looking for work, for additional customers and increased revenue, you must portray a good attitude. If you do not have a good attitude naturally, there are a few things you can do to portray a good attitude
1. Smile – whether in person or by telephone, customers know you are smiling and it makes them feel better about doing business with you
2. Voice – use a calm, pleasant and comforting tone when speaking to others
3. Body Language – stand or sit up straight and look the person you are speaking to in the eye, keep your shoulders back and straight
4. Respect – show respect to those you are dealing with by being on time and prepared for all meetings
Your smile, voice, body language, and show of respect are all part and parcel of showing a good attitude to the world. It is these behaviors that will create not just the appearance of a good attitude but will actually lead to you having a better attitude.
In conclusion, it is wonderful to know that work can help you be self-sufficient, so get a good attitude. So, the question for you this wonderful day is, do you have an attitude people want to be around?