Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

Everyone can succeed and be happy with the right encouragement, inspiration, and motivation!

Create A Plan If You Are Looking for a Job



It is wonderful to know that you can succeed when you are looking for a job by creating a plan.


Almost everyone has heard the expression if you fail to plan you plan to fail. This idea is true in many areas of life including searching for a job. Whether you are a regular  9 to 5 employee looking for a new job, a work at home mom looking for your next assignment or an entrepreneur looking for a new client to serve, if you want to have a successful job search you need to create a plan.

Creating a plan for your job search means doing some prep work. For example, you need to make some initial decisions including:

  • Geographical area where you want to work
  • Industry in which you would like to work
  • Places you will look for work
  • Friends you will ask to help with the job search
  • Time(s) of the day when you will look for work

Once you have this initial information in your hands, it is important to put your plan in writing. When plans are in writing we tend to take them more seriously. When plans are in writing it is easy to review them and adjust and amend them as circumstances require. When plans are in writing we can check off things as we complete them. Now keep in mind that the writing does not have to be formal. How your writing happens is entirely up to you. For some people, the writing will be with pen and paper. For others, the writing will be on a computer or tablet device. The method of the writing is a matter of personal preference. The important thing is that the plan is in writing.

An important side note: If you use technology and electronic devices to write your job search plan and keep your calendar, be sure to link your technology so that plans on your computer are linked to your tablet device and your smartphone.


If you use electronic devices for planning, be sure to link them all.
If you use electronic devices for planning, be sure to link them all.



Your job search plan should also have time requirements that must be met. This means when you write out your job search plan, put information on your calendar to keep track of when you should be doing things like applying for opportunities and when you should be doing follow-up activities. Calendars help keep you accountable, on task and on target. So, after putting your plan in writing, put steps on the calendar so that you can work your plan on schedule.

Another important part of your job search plan is accountability. When you are looking for work, do not keep it a secret. Tell your family, friends and important people in your circle. When people who you know and respect know you are looking for work, they will ask you how the job search is going. The positive peer pressure they provide may help you to follow your plan.

In conclusion, it is wonderful to know that you can succeed when you are looking for a job by creating a plan. So, the question for you this wonderful day is what is your plan for a successful job search?

Click here to get your copy.