Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

Empowering scholars to succeed and thrive through encouragement, inspiration, and motivation.

Black History Month -Langston Hughes – Hard Daddy

Black History Month, Langston Hughes, Hard Daddy, www.janeanesworldcom

The poem of the day for today’s Black History Month Langston Hughes celebration is “Hard Daddy.” During February each year, people all across the United States celebrate Black History Month. Things are no different here at Janeane’s World. This month I am copying an idea I got from my friend Pammy Pam over at An Unconventional Librarian and I am devoting the entire month to the poems of my favorite author and poet, Langston Hughes. I will share a poem a day for the entire month.

You may ask what place does poetry or celebrations of Black History month have in this blog that was created to encourage, inspire and motivate women to be their best at work and home. I would answer that I am an African-American woman so black history is my history and when you understand and appreciate it, you come closer to understanding and appreciating me. I would also answer that poetry, like all forms of artistic expression fuels our passions, gives us hope makes us think and makes our lives richer and better.


Hard Daddy
I went to ma daddy,
Says Daddy I have got the blues.
Went to ma daddy,
Says Daddy I have got the blues.
 Ma daddy says, Honey,
Can’t you bring me no better news?

I cried on his should but
He turned his back on me.
Cried on his should but
He turned his back on me.
He said a woman’s cryin’s
Never gonna bother me.

I wish I had wings to
Fly like the eagle flies.
Wish I had wings to
Fly like th eagle flies.
I’d fly on ma man an’
I’d scratch out both his eye.

This is a video of my reading of the poem. I really enjoyed the words and the visual picture of the events in my mind. If you feel like creating some drama, do a video of your own and share it with me at janeanedavis@janeanesworld.com .



This poem! Wow, the words, the attitude, and the imagery are amazing to me. When I read it, I see a woman who is in pain, who is in trouble and looking for relief. She went someplace where she thought relief would be and could not find any at all. I like the fact that even after she could get no help, no relief, she was still feisty. Of course, I am not advocating scratching out a man’s eyes just because he did you wrong. I am setting that aside and looking at a bigger picture.

Sometimes life is hard. Sometimes no matter what we do, no matter who we turn to for help and comfort, there is none to be found. When, not if, but when those times come, it is important that people find a way to suck it up and move forward. Life does not stop just because problems arise. In most cases, when things go wrong and people hurt our feelings, we do not have the luxury of curling up in a ball in the corner. The reality is that life goes on, even after major hurts and pains. This means we must find a way to move on, to keep things going.

If you want to get some Langston Hughes books of your own, check out the following. Please note, these are affiliate links which means I may earn income if you purchase one of these books.

1. This is the book I keep on my desk in my office. It is worn out and the edges are frayed because I use it so much. It was a gift from my husband which makes it a special treasure. Selected Poems of Langston Hughes (Vintage Classics)

2. The Simple stories were my introduction to Langston Hughes. They are an incredible combination of entertainment, sociology and politics of the time. The Early Simple Stories (Collected Works of Langston Hughes, Vol 7)