Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

Empowering scholars to succeed and thrive through encouragement, inspiration, and motivation.

5 Ideas for Great Service

Great customer service leads to great and loyal customers.


It is magnificent to learn great customer service leads to great and loyal customers no matter what the business. When people think of customer service often they think of the section of the department store where one goes to return broken appliances or unwanted holiday gifts. That is part of customer service, but not all of it. Customer service means the interaction you have with customers when they buy your products, read your blog, seek your medical advice or ask for your legal opinion. Customer service consists of each and every interaction a business owner has with a customer or potential customer.

When customers are shown the appropriate amount of appreciation and the right kind of appreciation they are well, appreciative.


There are five hallmarks of great customer service:

1.     Answer Phone – don’t make your customers wait, answer the phone on the first ring. When calls are answered quickly, it shows customers that you are grateful for their business and will be responsive to their requests.

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