Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

Everyone can succeed and be happy with the right encouragement, inspiration, and motivation!

You Are a Role Model at Work and at Home

When our children learn the lessons we teach and put them in practice, it is fantastic.
When our children learn the lessons we teach and put them into practice, it is fantastic.

Yesterday my youngest twin daughter made me so very proud. She was out trying to accomplish a task assigned by someone in a teaching position. It was very hard and after a few tries, she had not succeeded. Then she stopped and said the following to the teacher, “Ok, Davis women never quit. I can do this, bring it on.” My baby then proceeded to continue trying to accomplish the task. She worked and worked and worked until she succeeded! The teacher was amazed at how my baby acted. The amount of effort and determination Miss Twin C showed was incredible to those who do not know her. I was not amazed. I am her mama,  I expected her to persevere until she succeeded.

When our children learn the lessons we teach and put them in practice, it is fantastic.

I have always taught my children that they could do anything they set their minds to do. My girls are told, “You are Davis women, you can do anything, Davis women don’t quit.” I tell my son, “You are a Davis man like your father, you can do whatever you want. You are smart and strong.” These are different versions of the same pep talk. Many times I have seen my children copy my words, phrases, and actions. I always have 4 sets of eyes following my eyes and 4 sets of ears listening to my words. My children are motivators, they encourage me to be a better woman.

When you are working at your business, and things get hard, think about the example you are setting for those around you. As the head entrepreneur in charge, you are an example to your children, to your employees, and to your customers. They look to you for leadership. They look to you for guidance. You are the example. You must behave as if you are aware of this obligation and responsibility and act accordingly.

Today is fantastic because my little one has learned she can do what she sets her mind to and that her determination and hard work will bring her success. The question for you this fantastic day is what kind of example are you setting for those around you?

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